'Effortless Perfection': Much Photoshopping Required
"As individual women, it can be easy to wonder why we fall into the trap of trying to live up to an unattainable standard. It's something we absorb on an almost subconscious level. Deconstructing this month's Redbook magazine cover shows us just how manufactured the images of beauty we see really are....The side-by-side comparison reminds us that we are continually fed ridiculously unrealistic images of beauty and perfection. We don't really have the option to turn away. Even if we don't read fashion magazines, the cover images are everywhere."
Faith Hill's 'Redbook' Photoshop Chop: Why we're pissed
"...even in and on a women's magazine meant for a more mature female audience (working moms, etc.) and featuring a more mature female celebrity (career-woman and mother-of-three Faith Hill) the lies and half-truths continue to be perpetuated....In a world where lying, deception, and the fudging of facts has become endemic in everything, all the way up to the highest levels of government, this is yet another example of a fraud being perpetrated on the public... and the public, for the most part, is not yet in on the joke."

When Photoshopping Goes Too Far
"And you have the audacity to call it the 1st Annual Figure-Flattery Issue."
Glamour Magazine to America Ferrera: "How do you feel about being the newest spokeswoman for curvy figures in Hollywood?"
How amusing, considering they photoshopped all the curves off of her for their magazine cover.
Take a minute and write Glamour a letter.
check out this unbelievable video which demonstrates how many of the images we see have been digitally altered in an extreme way: Photoshop Girl
Here is another example of a photoshopped image featuring Katie Couric:

Here is Kelly Clarkson on the cover of Elle magazine. They have clearly gone to great lenghts to alter her appearance, making her appear far thinner than she is in real life. See the link below the picture to view a video of the actual photoshoot, and see for yourself that the image on the cover of the magazine is a lie.

Check out the video at this link:
Kelly Clarkson at Elle photoshoot
Thanks for stopping by, and happy holidays!
wow! that is amazing.
thank you so much for your comments!
Just found your blog today. Are you still posting? ot have you moved on to another blog? Great stuff!
This is an amazing blog! Thanks for all the hard work. I continue to be shocked by the many tiny ways that woman are pitted against women in our culture-- the fashion industry is just a start.
If anyone here has a good argument for why this ISN'T a feminist issue (I know there are many young women afraid of that word!), I would love to hear it.
Remember, while they distract you with shoes and diet plans and US Weekly, we still only get 6 weeks of maternity leave and no health care for "non-working" mothers.
thank you!
Nice blog. :)
Stuff like this really does effect the public's opinion about what a woman should look like.
Just go into Google and type in something like "celebrity cellulite" and look at how shocked people are to see pictures of cellibrities when they do not have their imperfections removed with photoshop or are not covered in makeup.
Heck, I remember in the sixth grade during swimmings lessons some girl in the locker room got teased for having pubic hair, and was told it was abnormal to have it.
Society is becoming so shallow that it is kind of scary. I've even heard some scientists advocating making "designer" babies. :(
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