Monday, January 29, 2007
Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa - The Most Deadly Mental Illness
"We live in a culture where we look at anorexically thin models and call that normal, call that attractive.... It's important for parents to point out all the ways that our culture gets women to be unhappy with themselves."
The following are more examples of ultra-thin models on the runway. By choosing these women to be icons of beauty, the fashion industry is telling us that to be anorexic is to be beautiful. This sends the message, as well, that to be overweight (or even a health weight!) is ugly. Is the fashion industry selling clothing, or self-hatred? And does the latter really have to be a byproduct of the former? I believe not.
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I think that this new culture is badly influencing our generation of woman, this is not what a real woman looks like and its pathethic that our young girls try to look like this. I have suffered from an eating disorder and I blame the magazines whose tabloids show pictures of young actresses with a bady weight of 100lbs. and yet they call the the girl with the perfect body. This is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like there is a portion of America/media who are trying to turn this around drastically, saying that big women are beautiful... but at the same time, that's so unbelievably not okay, since so many people in our society are unhealthily overweight/obese. I would feel that it's safe to say that there is a great number of parents who view obesity superior to underweight.
So many girls (and guys) are going in a downward spiral... as more and more girls become so thin, while people are out there with their backs turned saying how beautiful these fat women are...
What, do they think that by giving a general publication of how beautiful fat women are and gross skinny girls are... all of our eatting disorders will disappear?
Sorry it's just frustrating how people blame it all on the media and models. I don't give a crap what those models look like, and the media tries to tell us that we're ugly. It's our own problems, our own minds.
I dont see anything wrong with the way these girls look infact i think that they should loose about another 20pounds....
All of the people who have posted these negative comments are probably jealous just because they are FAT!
In order to be that thin it shows a lot of discipline and commitement which i feel that our society needs.I am proud of these ladies and they look SSSTTTUUUNNNIIINNNGGG.
if these girls thing that they are fat then i must be obesesbc they are gorgous!!! xoxo
Do people realize that these girls are nothing but sticks? They are FLAT! HOw can that be beautiful? It's unhealthy to be so thin, I know because I was down to 85 pounds and my body got more and more tired everyday. My periods stopped for 8 month and I got scared of dying. I went on steriods and hormone pills which has cancerous effects and is very bad for your body (but it's the only medicine they have) and finally my period came back. But they say I might never be able to have a baby. Now I am 110pounds and feel okay, sure my thighs dont part in the middle, but I am comfortable with myself. This whole thinness is a disease just like obesity. And when the media blasts that thin is beautiful, tell me you aren't affected when boys tell you you are too fat (even though you are normal weight)
"In order to be that thin it shows a lot of discipline and commitement" - are you f*%(&# stupid or 12 years old? Women out there are DYING because of this. Little girls are DYING because they try to look like this. What's next. let's glorify drug use and prostitution? Wake the &I$% up, this is a DISEASE. Anyone who thinks these women look "stunning" should have their head examined!
thank you! i appreciate the positive comments so much.
So krazy
So qrazy..
No matter
The third model( would be fourth but the first image didn't appear) is not anorexic, she is the same size as me, maybe even bigger.
Everyone needs to know that these women are battling an illness but it doesn't mean people need to judge them, I think these people look better than most people in our society today because most of them are double the size of the average person, in other words: The women are healthier than most people, not by a lot, but they are.
you're right, anorexia is an illness and people with an illness shouldn't be judged. i have complete sympathy... the problem is when people with anorexia are purposely chosen as symbols of beauty. like, when anorexia is almost the norm for runway models, and models are starving themselves and nearly killing themselves to maintain such an unhealthy 'beauty' standard. also, of course, obesity is unhealthy too. just because people speak against anorexia in the fashion world doesn't mean obesity is a good alternative. i just think we should be putting healthy, realistic images out there, especially considering the effect these images have on people, especially young girls. thanks for commenting and visiting the site
I t hink that they are beautify\ul and yes we want to be lke them who doesnt want to be a model fat people thats who so dont hate because they are lucky everyone wishes to be them and those who doesnt are fat haters so haha
I t hink that they are beautify\ul and yes we want to be lke them who doesnt want to be a model fat people thats who so dont hate because they are lucky everyone wishes to be them and those who doesnt are fat haters so haha
I am naturally FLAT chested, boney shoulders, small boney hips, long legs, big boney hands, and very thin, NATURALLY. I don't appreciate insecure women hating on me and being all jealous and nasty. I could get a boob job and go for VS look, but I am HAPPY with my body. Stop calling these models ugly, some girls bodies don't develope like most, with fleshiness and curves. Learn to promote health without hating those of us born with bodies that arent traditionally womanly looking.
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